Saved from the Dumpster: Sustainable Nutrient Management Starts in the Produce Aisle
UC Davis
Pathways of Survival and Social Structure During Human Transitions from the Darwinian World
Advances in Biodemography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity
UC Davis
Social Underpinnings of Human Biodemography
Advances in Biodemography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity
UC Davis
Genes Revisited: The Biodemography of Social Environmental Variation Through a Functional Genomics Lens
Advances in Biodemography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity
UC Davis
Intergenerational Transfers, Social Arrangements, Life Histories, and the Elderly
Advances in Biodemography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity
UC Davis
Some (More or Less Random) Thoughts About Current Issues in Genomic Inference
Advances in Biodemography: Cross-Species Comparisons of Social Environments and Social Behaviors, and their Effects on Health and Longevity
UC Davis