Shannon Dorsey Keynote Presentation; PCIT: Improving the Lives of Traumatized Children through Enhancing Parenting
(10/14/2010) 55 minutes


This presentation features Shannon Dorsey, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. Dr. Dorsey's research interests and clinical expertise are in evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents, particularly those with a significant parenting/caregiver component. Within this broad area, she has focused on interventions for trauma-exposed youth and the application of interventions to youth in out-of-home placements - such as foster care and therapeutic foster care. Dr. Dorsey has expertise in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and helping the noncompliant child.Trauma exposure is prevalent for children in the US, with nearly one-third to one-half experiencing or witnessing trauma. For young children, parents and the family environment play a critical role in whether children develop symptoms and in whether symptoms are maintained, post-trauma exposure. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) holds considerable promise for improving the lives and trauma-related symptoms for traumatized children, in that it is an evidence-based program for reducing behavior problems, improving parenting skills, and enhancing the parent-child relationship. In this talk, trauma prevalence, symptoms, and the potential promise of PCIT will be reviewed.

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