5 Steps to Submit Content to UCTVSeminars
Helpful Hints and Tips to Capture Presentations for UCTVSeminars
Speaker Release Form (PDF)
UCTVSeminars FAQs
What qualifies as a seminar?
Academic content intended for other academics.
How do I make a seminar?
It's easy! To begin, look over the 5 Steps to Submit Content to UCTVSeminars, which includes best practices
and technical information. If you have more questions, get in touch with Rachel Bradley (rbradley@ucsd.edu)
and we'll do our best to help you.
Do I need the speaker to sign a release?
Yes. All speakers should sign the Speaker Release Form (PDF) and you should keep the form on file. The speaker should agree to the material being presented online in these locations: UCTVseminars website, YouTube, iTunes and other outlets as they become available.
What other files should I include?
That's up to you. You may want to include a PDF of a PowerPoint file, the brochure or agenda from the conference or event, or other material that might be relevant to someone watching the presentation.
What if I have a problem?
Contact Rachel Bradley at rbradley@ucsd.edu and she'll help you or find someone who can.
Will everything UCTV receives be online?
All seminars are reviewed to assess technical quality and appropriate content level. If it meets those criteria, it will be online.
How do I know if my seminar has been approved to go on UCTVSeminars?
You will receive an email confirming that your seminar has been approved. If it's not approved, you will receive an email explaining why.
Will seminars be on TV?
No, seminars are intended only for the web. Exceptions would be on a case by case basis.
What if I have trouble with the UCTV Uploader? What if I have too many files or it's just not working for me?
Get in touch with Rachel (rbradley@ucsd.edu) and she'll help you work it out or arrange to get the material another way - perhaps using a hard drive or some other media.
What kind of video files can I submit?
We accept most video formats. However, whenever possible, please use the "YouTube" export option available with your video application. H.264 and
.mp4 files provide the best results. If we have trouble transcoding your video file(s), we will contact you.
When will the seminar I submitted be available online?
If it's approved for content and quality, generally it will be online in 2-3 weeks. When it's available, you will receive an email that includes a link to your
seminar on the UCTVSeminars website.